Maine Startup & Create Week: Review Copy of Plugged

Hi, it was great to meet you at the Internet of Things panel at Maine’s Startup and Create Week!

Here’s a quick video I recorded for you:

To get your free review copy of Plugged: How Hyperconnectivity and the Beam Changed the Way We Think, just follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Audible account (or click here to create a new one – this will give you an additional free audiobook if you don’t have an account and are creating a new one.)
  2. Click “Claim” to access your redemption code:
  3. Click here to view the page on Audible for Plugged and click “Add to Cart”.
  4. Click on “Do you have a promotional code?” and enter your code from above.
  5. Click “Apply Code” and your book will be free!
  6. Complete the checkout, and enjoy your audiobook.
  7. When you’ve listened to the audiobook, I would really appreciate an honest review. Thanks!